Bits & Coffee Photo Marks Pro Full Version


Just because you can download photos from the web with great ease doesn’t really make them yours. There are several methods artists can use to prevent theft of images over the web. A common method is to apply watermarks over pictures so everybody is aware where they’re coming from, and you can easily accomplish this with PhotoMarks.

Intuitive design an impressive file support
Once launched, the main window shows with different hints to quickly get you up and running. Even if you disregard them, you don’t have a hard time accommodating, especially because of the wizard driven process which shows helpful tooltips each step of the way. You can easily return to previous steps for more management.

Adding photos is also a walk in the park. On the one hand, you’re able to work with a variety of formats like BMP, PICT, GIF, JPG, PNG, PCX, PSD, SGI, TGA, TIF, WBMP, ARW, CRW, DCR, DNG, EPI, and a few more. On the other hand, adding them can be done through a drag and drop operation, either of individual items or entire folders, and there’s even a search tool to help you easily locate pictures.

Watermark types and effects
These are all placed in a list with preview shown on selection. The second step is editing, which lets you process an image at a time. Preview is generated for changes, and also the original. Besides watermarks, there’s the possibility to enhance pictures with a variety of effects, ranging from basic resize and crop tools, to effects like frames, shadow, and more.

Watermarks can either be in the form of text or logo. Arrangement isn’t done with the mouse, but there’s a great deal of freedom when positioning it on the picture. Size can be specified, transparency, blur, and even rotation. Processing can be done to a custom folder, and even to a different format than the original.

A few last words
All in all, PhotoMarks is a powerful tool you can rely on to easily add watermarks to all of your pictures in a few easy steps. An impressive variety of formats are supported for both import and export, effects help enhance photos, while watermarks are customizable so you add either text or logos.



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