Amazing Slider Full Version


Amazing Slider is a simple-to-use WordPress plugin for building beautiful, responsive, professional, multi-layered, animated, slide-out, full screen, fully touch enabled, high-performance, visually stunning and fully customizable WordPress graphic button. Inspired by awesome offline JPEGs, this new version gives you the ability to preview your layouts and changes in their full glory in a smooth scrolling Flash-style "live" mode.

Amazing Slider uses a powerful new WordPress engine that includes a new drag-and-drop interface for infinite control of a layout before it goes into full production. Built with a user-friendly editor and theme engine, Amazing Slider can be easily extended for additional features, or removed for simple portability.

One of the most popular plugins out there for WordPress is Amazing Slider. It is a free download from the WordPress site. Amazing Slider creates unique slide transitions and provides a number of different styles and effects when applied to a photograph or other element. When used as part of a WordPress theme or page, you can build amazing transitions effects that merge the displayed text with the background, create image sliders, add streaming video to a static image, and more. This plug-in allows you to easily apply an amazing variety of transition effects to any element on any website or blog.




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