Clean Master PC Pro Full Version


Clean Master, the popular Android cleaner, is now available for Windows so you can take advantage of the program's most popular feature: getting rid of junk files that just take up a lot of space on your device.

As soon as you open the program, your system will be scanned for all elements that can be removed. Once the scan is complete, a list of elements that can be removed to improve your PC's performance will appear. Just click on individual elements, or select entire categories to remove them all. This process gives you the freedom to delete only what you want.

After the cleanup process is complete, a chart will appear showing everything that was successfully deleted along with the source of the files. You'll know where most of the files you don't need are located. Other categories checked and cleaned include system and web cache, junk from programs and their registry keys and trash generated by online games, social networking programs, and audio and video.

Clean Master for PC is a fast and easy-to-use tool, which doesn't require any configuration process. You can decide what you can and can't delete. Other than that, this version is just as good as the Android version.



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