Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus Offline Installer


In September 2018, Microsoft Office 2019 was released to the public. As usual, there are several packages to choose from, but the most common package is Office Home & Student 2019 which includes PowerPoint, Word and Excel, each license costs $149.99. Meanwhile, Office Professional 2019, apart from these three software, also contains Outlook, Access and Publisher. The price is more expensive, which is $ 439.99 for each license.

The two licenses above are only allowed for 1 PC. So if you want to install Microsoft Office 2019 on several PCs, you have to buy as many licenses as the number of PCs. And there's one more thing to remember, Microsoft Office 2019 only supports Windows 10. Maybe some of the users have already tried it on Windows 7 or another version and it worked, but the risk is that the system becomes more error-prone when an update "appears.

Microsoft Office 2019 features

Since the Ribbon interface was introduced for the first time in Microsoft Office 2007, the appearance of Microsoft Office has not changed much, but in terms of productivity this consistency is actually good. If each version appears with a drastically changed appearance, then the user must get used to the new appearance to be able to return to using it smoothly as usual.

Changes that appear usually occur in Microsoft Office features. For example, the Learning Tools feature is intended to make text look more comfortable to read. Inside there are options to widen the border between the text and the edges, change the page background color, and widen or narrow the space between words. What is rather interesting is Syllables because each word is displayed based on its respective syllable and each syllable is separated by a mid-point. Morning becomes morning, night becomes night, and so on.

Text can also be heard by activating Read Aloud. Users can select the text they want to listen to, speed up reading speed, select voice, and return to the previous paragraph or jump to the next paragraph. Users who frequently use Read Aloud can include it in Quick Access for easier access.

Besides being read aloud, text can also be dictated so you don't have to type. Whatever you say into the microphone, those words are automatically converted to text within Microsoft Word.




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