Netgate Registry Cleaner Full Version


It is a well-known fact that problems with the Windows Registry cause the operating system to be sluggish and unstable. If your computer crashes, freezes, or works sluggishly, chances are that problems with the Registry are causing these problems. NETGATE Technologies has a tool that will fix such annoyances: NETGATE Registry Cleaner. This tool will find and fix Registry issues, defragment the Registry, back up and restore the Registry.

Support for Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP is provided, meaning you can install NETGATE Registry Cleaner on any of these Windows editions (32 as well as 64-bit versions). To install the application you will have to download a 7.8MB installer, run it, and then follow the onscreen instructions presented by a setup wizard. It is, in all fairness, a standard process that will take little of your time.

The first thing you are going to like about this application’s interface is that it is very easy to navigate – the panel from the left hand side allows you to easily access all the application’s features and functions.
The second thing you are going to like is that the interface supports skins. During the aforementioned setup process you will be invited to pick one of several skins – a preview is offered so you can easily make your choice. After you get NETGATE Registry Cleaner up and running, you can change the skin from the Options menu.

Should be mentioned here that during the setup process you will also be invited to pick one of many supported languages for the interface; and you can also change the interface’s language from the Options menu.

As mentioned above, NETGATE Registry Cleaner fixes all your Registry-related woes. The application can scan for and identify a variety of problems that affect the Registry and negatively impact your PC’s performance. The application can also defragment the Registry, which also helps boost performance. And on top of that, NETGATE Registry Cleaner can back up and restore the Registry – which comes in handy, should anything go wrong.

Applications that automatically launch at startup and applications you no longer need and needlessly take up space on your PC also affect your machine’s performance. NETGATE Registry Cleaner allows you to manage all startups and provides a handy tool for uninstalling applications from your PC.

NETGATE Registry Cleaner is free to try for a limited period of time. A reminder will show up while using the trial and invite you to register.



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