Steganos Privacy Suite Full Version


Steganos Privacy Suite is a pack of tools that helps you keeping the privacy and security of tyour system:

- Data Safe allows you to create a virtual store drive of up to 512 GB where you can save all kind of files in a very safe way. When the user ends session, the safe box is closed and it's impossible to open again until the user enter the password again.

- Portable Safe is similar to 'Data Safe', but focussed on portable devices. Very useful to protect any CD, DVD or USB stick.

- E-mail Encryptation allows you to encrypt e-mails. With this system, the receiver of the e-mail will need the password to read it.

- Crypt and Hyde is perfect to crypt and hide files and folders, so they can't be found by other users.

- Password Manager is useful to admin your passwords. Because sometimes we have lots of passwords and uesers and we need an application to remember all of them.

- Private Favorites encodes your Internet favoritesand makes them viewable only to those users who know the password.

- Shredder allows you to destroy files and leave no traces of them.

In short, If you want to keep privacy, Steganos Privacy Suite is a pack of applications you should take into account.




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