VariCAD Full Version


VariCAD is a 3D/2D CAD software intended for mechanical engineering design that was first released in 1988, making it a titan of the industry. The purpose of this program is to help designers quickly create, evaluate, and modify any type of 2D or 3D model.

The first time you open VariCAD, a pop-up window will recommend that you watch a few video tutorials on how to use the program. Similarly, the software itself recommends enabling the built-in hints system to guide you through the first few days. So even though the program has dozens and dozens of different tools and can be a bit overwhelming, you'll never feel lost.

Without a doubt, the greatest strength of VariCAD is its versatility. It's a very powerful program that's full of possibilities, so you can create 3D models, as well as 2D drawings and drawings by hand. In other words, you can have the 3D model of a pipe and its corresponding anchor in one tab and the floor plan of your new apartment in the other. And both of these projects will look equally professional, because all the tools work perfectly.

The list of actions you can perform with VariCAD includes the following: 3D modeling, 2D drawing, Surface development, 3D assembly, Mechanical part libraries, 3D object calculations, 2D section calculations, and Parameter option support. Of course, due to this software's long history, each update adds new features and improves existing ones.

Download VariCAD if you're interested in 3D modeling and want a versatile tool for carrying out all your projects. This app is compatible with almost all CAD programs and can export files in the following formats: STEP (3D), STL (3D), IGES (3D), DWG (2D), DXF (2D). In addition, you can export and import files as a group.




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