Terms of Services


We, as Almaftuchin App service providers, are happy to run this website and we are happy that you can share it here either as a visitor, user or buyer. You can share with us, but please take responsibility for what you share on our shared pages. In particular, do not let any of the things prohibited below appear on our pages, or link to our pages.

Terms of Service

The following terms and conditions of service are binding on all visitors and users of this website. We as the managers of this website are responsible for managing the publication of articles, changing content, arranging visits and discussions. By using this website you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • You will not engage in piracy/plagiarism of content either from this site or from outside to this site within the realm of any provisions or rules; And you hereby comply with the terms of the DMCA;
  • You will not publish material that is under intellectual property rights without permission to this website;
  • You will not spam either randomly or intentionally in any form on this website;
  • You will not provide links and/or links that aim to increase/divert traffic to a particular commercial site, or intentionally commit fraud in hidden links (phishing, proofing, etc.);
  • You will not penetrate/hack into the database system, including embedding malicious software (worms, viruses, trojans) that destroy content and/or harm other users;
  • You will not publish or provide links/links that are pornographic, indecent, obscene, whether in the form of text, images or videos;
  • You will use the discussion system in a polite and ethical manner, and will not engage in attacks, insults, and other improprieties against other users;
  • You will not include URIs/URLs of blogs or other sites that provide unsolicited electronic messages, or other unhealthy methods of similar promotion;
  • You will not use names that are polite or lexical in nature can be confusing or give interpretations that refer to other parties that are not you in essence.


If there is a violation of the terms and conditions, then we (website owner) have the right to take various actions that are deemed necessary, such as removing inappropriate content/contributions/discussions, to deleting contributor/subscriber accounts, and refusing to participate again.

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