Winamp Offline Installer Full Version


Winamp is widely known as a music player software that doubles as a manager of multimedia files. Not only that, Winamp is also able to change audio formats and supports various online radios so that users can enjoy music without stopping. From all this it is clear that Winamp is trying to offer an all-in-one solution for the convenience of listening to music.

The latest version of Winamp comes with some significant changes after being stagnant for a long time. Some of them are memory leaks that have been fixed and support for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Most significant is Radionomy's attempt to bring Winamp back as freeware completely by cutting out the premium features added by Winamp's previous owner, namely AOL.

Features and Uses of Winamp

Every audio file that you have can be added to Winamp easily as long as the format is supported by the software which is more than 20 years old. The audio formats it supports include mp3, aac, flac, ogg, wma, mp4a, wav and mod.

Winamp also supports creating playlists where you can group music based on certain genres or needs. For example, create a playlist with songs that can lift your spirits while working or a special playlist for relaxing.

If you are tired of listening to the same songs over and over again, there is a feature to listen to online radio broadcasts in the Online Services menu. To make it easier for users, these radios are grouped by musical genres such as alternative, rap, blues, jazz, classic, rock, pop and so on. There is even a dedicated radio playing soundtracks for anime, movies and video games.

There is one Winamp feature that is very helpful in listening to music. This feature is called Replay Gain and functions to equalize the volume level for each song so that no volume suddenly goes high or low. This feature needs to be activated first through Preferences.

Winamp capabilities can also be added by installing plugins made by the community. For example, like Winamp KeyController which functions to add a keyboard shortcut to Winamp or LoudMax to increase the volume. Plugins are also available to add languages and install new skins to change Winamp's appearance.




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