Windows 11 22H2 ISO Original


Windows 11 is Microsoft's latest operating system which is the next generation of Windows 10. Like all previous versions of the operating system, there are always visual changes that are pleasing to the eye. One of them that is very striking in Windows 11 is the Start Menu and the taskbar icon that shifts to the center, much like the appearance of macOS.

Apart from the appearance of the taskbar, there are a number of other changes that deserve appreciation because they can increase user productivity, so it's not just the visual aspect that matters. An example is the improved Snap feature which can place all open windows in a row.

Some New Features in Windows 11

The Taskbar and Start Menu are More Charming
The shifting of the taskbar icon to the middle position may be quite controversial because apart from being similar to macOS, this change violates the Windows standard which has so far placed the taskbar icon sequentially starting from the left position. However, it turns out that Microsoft also provides an option to restore the usual taskbar icon layout, so users who don't like the design change can immediately disable it.

The corners of windows such as the File Explorer and Start Menu windows in Windows 11 also appear curved so that they are more in line with Microsoft's Fluent Design concept, unlike Windows 10 where the edges of the windows are made sharp. Apart from that, the presence of several new icons also strengthens the charm of the impressive and refreshing design of Windows 11.

If all of that still doesn't feel enough to bite you, try clicking the Start button and take a peek inside. At first glance it already looks very different because Live Tiles are no longer there. There is only a set of small static icons grouped into Pinned and Recommended.

Multitasking More Convenient
Furthermore, if you drag the mouse arrow to the maximize button in a software window, a set of layouts will appear which is part of the Snap feature for multitasking. As soon as you click on one of them, the size of the software window will be reduced and positioned according to the layout you chose.

Support for Android Apps on Windows 11
Windows 11 can be used to run Android applications, while the applications themselves are available in the Windows Store. During the Windows 11 announcement event held on June 24, 2021, Microsoft representatives ran the TikTok application on the OS as part of a demonstration.

Unfortunately, not all PCs can be used to run Android applications even though they have installed Windows 11. This is because the hardware used must support Intel Bridge technology.

Download the Latest Windows 11 ISO
In 2015, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 was their last operating system, but that statement is no longer valid with the arrival of Windows 11. Microsoft even reportedly canceled the Windows design project for dual-screen screens for the sake of Windows 11.

And as you might have guessed, the emergence of Windows 11 invited a lot of reactions. According to the TorrentFreak site, some curious users managed to download an ISO file containing the latest operating system before the launch of the Windows 11 announcement event.



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