WinMend Disk Cleaner Full Version


Temporary files and other redundant data is what keeps your computer running slowly, which is why regular hard drive cleanup is important. If you can't be bothered with such a trivial task, you can let WinMend Disk Cleaner do the job for you. The software can search for any leftover data that is no longer useful for anything and remove it. Just click a few buttons, wait a few minutes and you're done.

WinMend Disk Cleaner is free to try, but with some limitations. It comes in a small package and it can be installed quickly on any modern Windows system. The software doesn't ask for any special tools or services and it doesn't need too much memory or processing power.

There's not much you have to do when you launch WinMend Disk Cleaner. Just select a partition and hit a Scan button and wait for the scanning process to finish. Additionally, you can set up filters, if you wish to include or exclude certain file types and folders. Found junk is displayed in a list, as the program is scanning. When the process is complete, you can delete everything with a single click.

WinMend Disk Cleaner comes with a disk analyzer as well. Besides cleaning up the software, the software can also provide you with disk usage information. This includes various charts, to help you figure out which files take up the most space on a specific partition.

WinMend Disk Cleaner gives you the possibility of taking back your precious disk space, without any kind of difficulties.



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